About Women in the Money

Empowering Utah Women to Achieve Financial Security

The Utah Women in the Money Conference empowers women to achieve financial security by providing access to crucial financial information, valuable resources, and new mentors and friends.

Some of the topics covered include budgeting, managing debt, building credit, estate planning, investing, entrepreneurship, and starting a business.

The conference serves Utah women from various walks of life. Women of all ages, cultures, and financial situations are invited to attend, exchange ideas, and grow together.

It is never too late, or too early, to take control of your finances.

The conference is hosted by the Utah State Treasurer, the Utah Financial Empowerment Coalition, and the Utah Department of Financial Institutions.

Women are a major financial force. More than 40% of American women are the primary breadwinners in their households.

Making an Impact

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Event Sponsers

This conference is possible because of the generosity of our community partners.

Title Sponsor

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Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Utah Financial Empowerment Coalition Board

Susan Speirs, Chair
Brittany Griffin, Secretary/Treasurer
Amanda Christensen, Director
Cathy Keen, Director
KoShell Miller Director
Laura Olsen, Director
Liz Owens, Director
Claudia Ponce, Director
Susan Madsen, Director